Sunday, June 7, 2009


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

- Thomas A. Edison

Are there still opportunities out there? You know what I mean, the kind that bring success, happiness and satisfaction.

I, for one, do believe that there are many, many opportunities out there. They are staring us in the face, and you know what? They do look like work. They look a lot like risk and hard work. They look to me like they will take time and energy and dedication, which is why I've missed so may of them.

It is so much easier to just turn on the next movie or television show or to pop in a video game and spend a few hours doing nothing. These kinds of recreation are, of course necessary from time to time to cope with some of the extreme stresses that we put ourselves through, but there are also opportunities to spend developing something special in our lives that we will only get through persistence and hard work.


  1. There is a quotation which I always remember, "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity." The question is, "are we prepared for opportunity?"

  2. I tried not to loose my opportunity to take a sip of fresh air and thus added your link to my blog. Now I can rejoice indeed over the wisdom of your verses, because I didn't keep for myself what was discovered by me, but invited all my readers to visit your page that is worthy pondering deeper indeed.
    Thank you.
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  3. Tell me about it. I've been working my back off like crazy because of an opportunity that is currently open to me. I must say though that the rewards can really feel great
