Saturday, April 4, 2009


"A friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you."

- Elbert Hubbard

I think I would have liked to have met Elbert Hubbard while he was living. He seems like the kind of witty personality that I enjoy keeping company with. On the other hand I don't know all about him so perhaps I wouldn't like him afterall.

There is so much truth in what Mr. Hubbard says here. So often those whom we call friends today turn out to be mere acquaintences tomorrow when they discover that we are not as perfect as we would like to be. That is simply the natural way of humankind.

Perhaps then the best way to find friends in this world is to learn to overlook the many faults of those who surround us.


  1. Great quote. I feel that way about my husband, he is my best friend. :)

  2. Hi,
    Very inspiring qoute.
    Such freinds are true treasure of life!
    May God Bless us all with this treasure.

  3. That's true. Finding someone who still likes you even at your worst is something worth holding onto!

  4. Wonderful quote. Thank you for the sharing it with us. That was a good indeed definition of the friendship.
